Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The rabbit and the monkey

One day i was nature walking in the woods and walked upon a rabbit. As i stoped to look at it, it looked back and stared. As i got closer holdiong my hand out to touch it, it spoke. "your stupid!", then kicked me in the face and ran away. I chased after it, it ran through small loops over big rocks and under big logs. After about 30 seconds of me chasing the rabbit i ran into a branch, close lined myself and became out cold.

I awoke and there was a monkey over head. He dropped a banana on my face and asked me if i could hand it back to him... so i did. " hey dude how come your out cold?". " I was chasing after a son of a b*** rabbit! then knocked myself out!". The monkey felt sympathetic so it gave me a banana. the end

Sunday, May 19, 2013


   If you knew me.... you would that i love to fish.... i love to be in a nature. Sports and music is my release from the world and the people in it. Sponge bob and Adventure time are the most awesome T.V. shows i know. I love my family and friends. I'm kind of a poop head sometimes with out noticing it... I act stupid around people sometimes just make things not awkward. I'm good at piano and guitar, i love to play them and learn new songs. I get bored really easily as well. Thats me, thanks for reading.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


I remember elementary school and flirting with every girl
i remember football practice behind Timberline middle school, and the smell of fresh cut grass.
I remember the Marching band at football games, and gangman style.
I remember the forest in my back yard in Oregon and the tree forts in them.
I remember hot summer days and skateboarding with friends always to afraid to do what they were doing.
I remember shopping with my mom, and her telling me the make of every shirt and that white shoes would get dirty too fast.
I remember late nights doing homework, and how cold and robot like i felt doing the same thing over and over.
I remember History classes and how interested i was in the past.
I remember my first kiss and how she made fun of me cause i missed.
I remember my first touchdown and i felt like i could do anything.
I remember staying in during recess so i could do homework instead.
I remember early morning football practice before school.
I remember early morning attendance school.
I remember primary and all the games we played, and songs we sang about the prophets.
I remember the first song i learned on the piano " too late to apologize" by one republic
I remember alot of things

Sunday, May 5, 2013

A peanut butter and jelly sandwhich

1.) make sure you have to hands
2.) must have peanut butter and jelly or honey what ever you like better, also 2 pieces of bread
3.) grab the peanut butter jar and twist the lid lefty loosey off.
4.) then grab a knife with the free hand and scoop some peanut butter and smeer it on bread
5.) after that grab the jelly or honey and dump it on the other piece of bread
6.) put both pieces of bread togther
7.) cut in half if desired then bon appetite