Sunday, March 24, 2013


There is an apple so red so plump so shiny so beautiful. I look at among-st others and notice that is the one i want.  But the tree is so tall. The apple looks so good, i imagine eating it. But the tree is to tall and i don't have anything to reach it. I want to climb. I start to grasp the branches and climb the tree towards the apple. The tree is alot easier to climb then expected, as i climb i see a worm, the worm tells me "Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed". The worm disappears into an apple and i continue to climb. I'm nearing the the apple when a blue bird tells me " Success is counted sweetest By those who ne'er succeed". The bird fly's away and i continue to climb. I see the apple, i'm close enough to grasp it when the branch supporting me breaks and i fall to the ground. As i wake at the midst of dusk, i see apples and broken branches everywhere upon the ground. I look up at the tree and see the apple a crave still there. In anger i start to grab other apples on the ground and throw them at the apple still hanging from off the tree. My aim is bad so the apple stays. I stare at it, it stares back. I think its taunting me. But i'm to tired to be angry so i lay down and fall asleep under the tree. The next morning as i wake, i look up to see the apple still there. I see a fox, it comes to me and tells me " Success is counted sweetest by those who ne'er succeed". The fox takes some apples from the ground and runs off. I'm hungry, and thirsty. I could eat some of the apples from the ground but i'm to stubborn and wont eat until i reach the apple from off the tree. I start to walk around the tree to find a better place to climb when i see a ladder. I place it so that i can reach the apple. At the top of the ladder i see the apple, i'v never seen anything more awesome. The apple tasted awesome too. And to this day that's the sweetest apple i'v ever had.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Moon

Tiger wakes up in the morning takes a shower and goes to school, he never listens to his teachers, he don't care what they have to say, he walks from class to class with his ear buds in and his eyes staring at the floor, if he ever has a chance to leave class early or even skip he does. During lunch he doesn't socialize or even eat, he goes to the orchestra rooms and plays the piano. Lunch is the only time he has to play through out the day. When he gets home he gets something to eat, when his mom comes in and tells him how disappointed she is at him and that he wont get tinto college with the grades he has, she tells him he's lazy and that she is sick of telling him the same thing over and over again, i told her agree. They fight and it soon turn into a screaming match. He tell's her how all she does is work that she has never had anytime to be a mom, and that all she ever talks about is how disappointed she is, or needs him to do work. He tells her he hates her and can't stand her and storms out slamming the door, He goes to work does his job to barely the minimum, if there is ever a time to slack off he does. Occasionally his boss will yell at him and tell him what he needs to do, but all he does is nod his head and say okay. After work he drives home blasting music and speeding down the roads when he sees red and blue lights blaring behind him. This is th third time Tiger has been pulled over, after he promised his mom he wouldn't let it happen again. When he gets home he doesn't bother to walk inside his house, instead he walks around the backyard and lies on the grass. He stared at the stars and saw the moon. He gazed at the moon for such a long time it started to look like a face, a face he thought looked like the moon. He asked the moon what it was, it told him it was 42% oxygen 21% silicone 13% iron 8% calcium 7% aluminum 6% magnesium 3% other elements and that it reflected the UV ray's from the sun on to the Earth to light the dark. After that the moon asked Tiger what he was, he told the moon that he didn't know. Then the moon told him that it did. It told him that he was 42% self absorbed 21% inconsiderate 13% irrational  8% stupid  7% lazy 6% stubborn 2% blood,organs, and bones 1% talents unused and undeveloped.  Tiger told the moon to screw off and that it didn't know who he was. The moon proceeded to tell him that it saw everything, the past, the present, the future and that it saw Tiger's future and what was in store for him, it then asked if he wanted to see. Tiger said sure. The moon told him to close his eyes, then open them again. As he opened his eyes he saw what the moon had seen. He saw his grades dropping, he saw colleges rejecting him, he saw family and friends hating him, he saw his boss firing him, he saw lonely nights, and lonely days, he saw chances missed and chances gone,  he saw sadness and depression, he saw the end of his life, he saw family and friends at his funeral in remorse, not in his death but in a life spent and wasted. As Tiger  felt the emotions seep through his eyes he closed them. When he opened his eyes he saw a bright flash of light, he lifted his arm over his eyes and felt the warm ray's of the sun on his arm. As his eyes adjusted he got up and walked inside and gave his mom a big ole hug. THE END. And that's the story of someone else.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Unknown.

I'v seen telescope and satellite pictures of space, its beautiful... and dangerous. The universe is something i will never full understand, no matter how many universe episodes i watch, or photos i look at, t's something that humans can't reach, only photos and scientist hypotheses'.

 Space reminds me of the future, beautiful, exciting, dangerous and unknown. The future is something i feel like im always preparing for. It's beautiful because i know that there will always be a future, that there is always something to look forward to. It's exciting because you never know what will happen, its tricky and spontaneous at times. It's dangerous because you never know what your actions can do to form the next events. And it's unknown, because obviously no one knows the future. because if you did you would have found out how to become the most powerful and wealthiest person in the world, which would be dope.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Looking through Deaths eye's

Death isn't rare but seeing death is.

    I'v never experienced Death. i'v nevre seen Death. But i'v been told stories about death. Death comes when you least expect it and sometimes right when you do. It has no mercy. Death always wins. No one has ever not died... Death is the grand finale of a life either well spent or.. just spent.

  I'v never had to stare into Deaths eyes, i think that's only somthing the dead can do. But if i could stare into Deaths eyes.... i wonder what i would see looking into Death..... would i see my past? would i be okay with Deaths hand coiling mine? Would i wonder if i was ready to die? would i feel peace in death... or would i feel unsettled knowing my life being alive... was just that.... trying to be alive. Is that something that would settle my mind and let me die in peace? or would i feel regret that my life wasn't good enough? would i wish i had done things differently?

   Maybe life is preparing for death. Prepare to stare into Deaths eyes and hopefully feel peace.

I don't get scared.

     I have some irrational fears. These fears don't really make me scared, but i am afraid of them. I don't always shy away from them, im always aware of them, searching for them if a can't find them.

   Im afraid of girls, the way they make me feel, vulnerable, stupid, sad. I'm afraid of gitting punched in the face. Im afraid of breaking things. I'm afraid of not knowing things that i obviously should. Im afraid of barking dogs behind fences. Im afraid of fear. Im afraid of bad music. Im afraid of writing things that just sound like some kid trying to sound like a smart person. Im afraid to fail. Im afraid of my car. Im afraid of my shower curtain. im afradi of words i dont say. Im afraid of things i dont do.

What thoughts i usually think about.

      I think alot... sometimes i think i think to much, so much in fact that i wish i could take a break from thinking and i could just be... but i don't think thats possible.

     There is alot im thinking about right now in fact. Im thinking about my grade in Mr. Nelsons class and wondering if this blog is even worth writing because it's late and he still hasn't given me credit for the last 2 late blogs i wrote. Im thinking about all my grades and planning a way to pull a 4.0 out of nothing... i really hope i can. I'm thinking about how so far this blog is pretty boring and im trying to think of ways to make it more interesting. I'm thinking about work and how boring and time consuming it is. Im thinking about what i will be thinking about while im at work and not wanting to think about it because it makes me sad. Im thinknig about how i don't think enough about the future.... how i have a whole life to live and all these thoughts to prepare for it.